Sorry this is a bit overdue! Here's my favourite pics/places from our European tour with Billy Talent. It had been a while and I intended to make the most of every city we were in. The full set of shots is up on my new facebook page.
The shows in the UK were amazing as they generally always are. I love touring at home. A few snapshots during soundcheck.
I also love pizza! I dunno if it was the influence of local treats but Pazzi in Amsterdam was one of the finest pizzas I've ever had. For real.
I Have wanted to visit these underground stations in Stockholm for a few years now. We actually bought tickets just to wander about various stations but it's worth it. A series of stations unlike anywhere in the world. This particular one was Radhuset.
Even though I was really pushing a countryside yurt, we stayed in Salisbury on our first proper day off. The tallest church spire in the UK resides in this chilled town. So instead of a picture of the spire here's one of the inside. For all the horrors that religion has created, the architecture is regularly mind boggling.
I LOVE fog. That is all. I'll get up at whatever time is necessary to see it.
mellow yellow
Exploring Luxembourg. Always on the look out for reflections.
A bizarrely difficult photo to get. We were just pulling into the port in Turku, Finland on an overnight ferry from Stockholm. The sun hadn't crept above the horizon yet so it was super dark and we were on a moving boat. I decided to trust the high iso function on my camera. There's definitely a vibe even if the added noise is a little distracting.
A little note to Billy Talent for being so welcoming and awesome every night. What a band!