Been too busy to actually go do something for myself and see people so we made the trip across the overground to Kew Gardens. Straight to the palm house, always a favourite.
So much greenery makes me feel a certain kind of wistfulness. Like, I need to be in amongst it. I suppose that's a little odd but I love plants, alright?
Because of a lack of nice compact camera to take with me I decided to bring along my two smallest and cheapest lenses. the canon 1.8 50mm and this old olympus g.zuiko 28mm lens I found in amongst some old slrs. I bought an adapter off amazon for a few quid and it's turned out to be really useful. It's not super unbelievably sharp, it's a manual focus, it's only f3.5, but, whatever. I've used it for commercial shoots as well fun projects. Just goes to further prove the point that spending loads of money on gear isn't the solution to taking photos you're happy with. you can pick one up for next to nothing on ebay.
I'm pretty happy with them. Especially seeing as I didn't have to lug those heavy sigma lenses around.
In conclusion, get some green and cheap lenses in your life.